Our treatment

“It's a unique place that... is really able to offer people something that will put them on the path towards healing and isn't available anywhere else”

Deb Dana 2023

“Khiron Clinics is unique in my experience... I've been to a lot of different places and I really like the spirit there"

Dr Dick Schwartz 2023

"It's a very multidisciplinary approach, it's a very embodied approach and it's an approach that has a tremendous amount of patience."

Licia Sky 2023

Treatment for emotional and psychological trauma, stress and breakdown

We are passionate about developing a new generation of psychotherapeutic treatments informed by neuroscience and developed in America.
We believe that no treatment centre in the UK is able to treat underlying trauma in the way that we do.

We understand that historic trauma is held in the body, and only by working with the body are we able to release this trauma and relieve ourselves of all related symptoms such as depression, anxiety and many other mental health disorders.

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Symptoms of Trauma

We treat the long lasting emotional and psychological effects of trauma, which have arisen either as a result of single incident or repeated childhood developmental trauma and which are at the root of many mental health problems, behavioural disorders and addictions.

Underlying trauma can manifest in a number of more recognisable symptoms, including:

And many other common mental disorders.

Khiron House was the UK’s first dedicated facility to treat trauma and the deep-seated emotional and psychological disturbances which may underlie some mental health conditions and we offer both residential and outpatient care led by a team of highly trained and skilled therapists, practitioners and support staff.

Recent advances in research relating to anatomy, neuroscience and brain imaging have led to a different understanding of ‘mental health’ conditions. We now comprehend that an unfinished biological response to a previously stressful, or threatening, incident leaves a residual disturbance in the body, specifically in the sympathetic nervous system. At Khiron House we work to complete unfinished stress cycles, thus freeing up the nervous system to regulate normally. We also help to address any compensatory behaviour that people may have developed in an effort to regulate their systems.

Historically, patients with trauma report having been retriggered by therapies that encouraged them to relive traumatic events. The new modalities, offered by Khiron House, work to regulate overactivity and restore emotional and psychological balance, without retriggering the nervous system.

What Is Trauma? Free Animated Video

Download the free The Invisible Lion Animated Video introduction to trauma and learn:

  • what trauma is and why we can’t avoid it
  • what trauma does to our mental and physical health
  • how trauma affects our decisions and relationships
  • how to start on the path to healing

Just a few words to express my deepest gratitude to you for enabling me to be here and finally start my process of healing.

Our Outcomes Reports

Khiron House publishes an annual independently authored report on its outcomes data. CORE summarise our outcomes and present them in the same way as the NHS.

Professional memberships and associations

We work with members of respected organisations to deliver our services

We are registered with the Care Quality Commission

We are here to help

If you have a client, or know of someone who is struggling, reach out to Khiron.
We believe that we can stop the revolving door of treatment and misdiagnosis by providing effective residential and outpatient therapies for underlying psychological trauma, stress and breakdown.

Allow us to help you find the path to effective, long lasting recovery.
For information, call us today.

Call any time UK: +44 (20) 3668 1606 US: +1 (866) 801 6184